
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thank You Oprah!

Spring 2008

The kids are finally down for their afternoon slumber. I can't just "take a break" (I'm a mom) so I grab a basket of laundry to be folded and practically skip to the living room for my one daily indulgence. ...OPRAH!

Young inventors take the stage. They were people who had 1 great idea that set them up for life! Simple ideas like: Spanx, YouTube and Jibbitz shoe charms... I started to think about JK Rowling and her one great story line that made her an incredible income as an author!

One idea...that's all I needed. One great idea and my husband (who was working six days a week) could stay home with our family! We could pay our bills and go on vacations ...or complete my all-time, biggest dream of becoming a philanthropist!

My hopes ballooned and I brought them all to God. I told him exactly what I wanted to accomplish (while sticking to my goal of being stay-at-home mom) and asked for His help. Surely God, the greatest inventor, could spare 1 idea that would change our lives and get us out of this "rat race"...

Summer 2009

I knew in every fiber of my being that if God was going to bless me, it would be through my art. I knew this was what I was supposed to be doing. However, while sitting in a comatose-like trance at a rained out art festival, I found it very hard to stay optimistic. I knew I needed something more to help my work stand out as something truly unique. I wanted to be able to catch the attention of the people ...despite the downpour!

I had plenty of time to ponder about everything that needed to change or improve if I wanted this business to be a success. I needed more creativity in design, function and efficiency. I felt we must have done just about everything wrong this first time around... somehow, we had to get our costs down!

(I believe, though I didn't see it then, that God had set up a whole serendipity for me. For in the midst of my trial, I came across a snapshot of a painting that was cut into pieces. I'm not exactly sure why it happened then when I had seen so many other similar displays... but that snapshot sparked an idea! )


Only 5 more weeks until the big day. I am already somewhat nervous; but I know the real "fireworks" wont begin until about a week before the show. We have been gathering supplies and information for our new product and, so far, we have been getting a great response from family and friends!

We were lucky enough to be able to use some of the tax return this year to invest in the business. A miracle. (Thank goodness for deductions!) I completed 3 of these new displays and hung them up in our home. My husband finally got on board the express train with me when he "caught the vision". (He's a visual learner...)

In some ways, however, the money that we invest makes me feel sick to the stomach as an unwelcome thought tries to creep it's way into my head. I don't know what it is saying because, of course I'm not listening, but I'm guessing it would be somewhere along the lines of, "You are going to fail!"

I close my eyes, hold my breath and say a little prayer. Then, I pick myself up again and move forward. I am way out of my comfort zone... but then, what successful person wasn't?

(come visit me at

1 comment:

  1. You will do great! I know the feeling about the money invested making you sick, we have a ton invested in chases phoyography.
