
Monday, April 25, 2011

I Have Been "Hearted"...

I guess people still "dig" my art at $3,000+. My confidence has officially been raised!

Thanks to all my Etsy friends, I have come to realize that raising my prices won't change a thing (for the worse, anyway) like I had previously feared... (and also, that fear is a liar!)

I am so excited about this photo book idea! I think it is going to be great. I have spent several days on it now and I am having this really neat "deja-vu" like experience as it practically unfolds as if from a memory.

I remembered that 3 years ago, I had this idea for a book pop into my head while I was driving back to our temporary home from school. I wasn't sure what this book idea was about because I was in school and most of my efforts were divided in an engaging battle between finishing school and mothering our 2 children.

However, my husband had lost his job and we were in financial stress so I prayed a lot about what I could do to help. I must have been pondering about money then because I think it that God responded with an answer. This idea for a book with many pictures in it entrapped my mind and all I knew was that it was to be about enjoying the simple things in life.

A year or so later, I was drawn to a book in the store that was full of pictures and uplifting messages. I had another "Celestine Prophecy" experience and I knew that I needed to create a book like that. Unfortunately, someone must have pushed the "play" button on my internal answering machine and this bothersome message replayed in my head:

"I know you want to be an artist but you need a real job... something important!"

As a result, I immediately discounted any serious thought about becoming an artist... In that case, what was this book idea about? That belief put me behind a couple of years, I think...

Finally, as I begin work on this photo book, I've realized this is it! All my mentors told me to get out of Utah if I want to be a serious artist... I think this book will be my ticket! People are already "hearting" me on Etsy and I have a way to mass distribute my art without devaluing it's worth! It is exciting to me to finally be on the track I believe God intended.

(check out my work at

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