
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Come What May, and Love It!

It's like Christmas time at the Packer home! My heart pounds like a child's does on Christmas eve. Only 15 days until the "big" Utah State Fair arrives!

It's hard not to make any assumptions or to create false hopes... I have learned, the hard way, that trying to force an outcome never works! To avoid the tedious predicament of "crying a river" and then "building a bridge to get over it", the formula to success is thus: "Come what may, and love it!".

Easier said than done? You ain't a kiddin'! How does one love humiliation, debt or failure?

Have you ever noticed that when you are on the brink of something big, (some life-changing discovery such as, "Hey, maybe I am worth it!") then is when the greatest opposition strikes?
Your faith is tried like a Native American on a journey to manhood!

I have a cousin-in-law who started her business about the same time I did. The results of our two year ventures are in. Business A: success! (major success) Business B: ummmm.... barely past the starting line. Can you guess which one is me?

On the way home from a gathering, the usual interrogation by well-meaning relatives began... "What will you do if this fair is a failure?" (Meaning, like the last 2 were?...) "How much are you willing to loose?" and, my personal favorite, "You might have to face the fact that in the real world, you have to get a 9 to 5 job like the rest of us."

No wonder only 1% of the population has all of the money; the other 99% have family like mine!

Never mind them, what really matters is that my Heavenly parents know what's best for me. I just have to put one foot in front of the other, in the darkness, and the light will follow. When I learn to stop judging my experiences "good" or "bad", I learn that I am safe in the hands of a loving God and that all things will work for my good in the end.

Everyday can be like a Christmas gift; and you, the excited child! Sometimes you receive socks... or a "wouldn't-be-caught-dead-wearing" hand knitted sweater from Great-Grandma Garden Gnome, or sometimes you receive a shiny new bike or a beautiful new dress that makes you feel like a princess!

The lesson: if you didn't get socks, you wouldn't have feet!

"I am still far from being what I want to be, but with God's help I shall succeed."

-Vincent van Gogh

(check out my work at

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