
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Remember Mary Kay?

Remember that stint you had with Mary Kay several years ago?   Well, those 9-or-so months were not a total waste of time!  Here's why:
  1. You've learned that you can make those scary phone calls!
  2. You've learned that, when all else fails and you're feeling defeated, your best friends will buy a lip gloss from you!
  3. You can depend on yourself to reach the goals you set your mind to but you can't depend on everyone else to earn your "red jacket".  (Lets face it; "red jackets" come and go and are as fickle as a U of U fan...)  You've learned to focus only on those goals you can control.
  4. You've learned that you are not passionate about make-up and you have to find your own reason for succeeding!  And...
  5. You've learned that if you don't ask for the sale you're not going to get it!
I had this really great team leader when I worked with Mary Kay company.  She was very compassionate and giving and would squeeze out twice as much product in those little trays than any guest needed!  I remember thinking, as a naive little first-time business owner,"How will she ever come out on top with her business if she keeps giving it away for free?!". 

I've learned quiet a lot since then.  No matter how silly it seems logistically; the world still runs on energy and emotion.  The law becomes resurrected that "whatever you give you will receive back ten-fold".   Coming from a family where if you didn't eat quick you didn't eat at all, it was rather difficult for me to digest this concept but I have evolved into a better human being and I have more faith that my needs will be met!

I realized that, out of fear of copyright infringement, I have held back my "intellectual property", as my husband calls it, (Is that funny to anyone else?  It's such a left-brained way of describing a right-brained product!) and have probably slowed down it's success!  An author I admire, James Redfield, gave out thousand(s) of copies of his book for free before he made it on the New York Times Best Sellers list!

Another artist I admire for his success suggested to "exhaust every free avenue before you go into debt for a business".  We have decided to make a Youtube video and share some pictures with you on this blog.  The book will be published soon and we will give away as many books as we can!

Here's to life!

(check out my work at

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